Chakra – The Energy Flow

Charka and the energy flow of your body

Whatever your religious or spiritual beliefs or the deficit of such things, we all accept that there is \”something more\” to us than just a physical form or body. Many cultures refer to this \”something more\” as a soul. It has many names; auras, electrical impulses, or spirit to name a few but we all recognise that it is some kind of energy that gives life to us. 

The Vedas, which date from 1500B.C. to 500B.C is one of the oldest ancient Indian traditions we know of and reference the chakra or chakras, the correct spelling of “wheel” as written in the Vedas. Mystics also call this energy \”prana\” a term meaning \”life\” or \”life force\” in Sanskrit. The familiar colour system of the chakra was a development made by Christopher Hills in the early 1970s in his book “Nuclear Evolution.”

The prana is believed to flow through our bodies from the world around us much like breathing in and out air. Seven major chakras have been identified as connecting points along the body’s central nervous system at major organs and glands. The energy flows through the body and is collected at each of these points before continuing on. Each of the seven charkas acts to monitor and regulate the amount of energy entering and leaving the body.

If our chakras are working well…

…the energy flows through us smoothly meaning we feel well and balanced. If they become clogged we feel lethargic or out of sorts. Pain depression and other ailments may be indicators that our chakras need to be balanced. The flow of energy through our chakra goes in two different directions. Each individual chakra draws energy in and out of itself, connecting our body and auric field with the outside world. 

We have hundreds of chakras all over our body, even the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet.
We have hundreds of chakras all over our body, even the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet.

Chakras work as a complete energy system: if just one of them is slightly blocked it can affect the energy flow of the whole system. But if you can find and fix it, then you can boost overall health and feel vibrant and fully balanced.

Practice tuning into energy

  • Rub your hands together briskly, flexing your fingers a few times.
  • Hold your hands together in front of you as though you are praying. Then slowly draw them apart.
  • Bring your hands back together. As you do so, you will start to feel the energy between them. It might feel like the push of two magnets, repelling each other, or like a ball of energy, you can cup between your hands.
  • Draw your hands together again. The energy will feel wider and bigger.
  • Keep doing this and see how far apart you can go. 
chakra Sahasrara

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