The Magic of Astrology


Astrology is the ancient art of reading our destiny through the position of the stars and planets. We can use it to understand our inner drives, actions and desires.

There is magic in Astrology which explains its popularity for centuries. Astrology can be a way of analysing situations, predicting the future and helping us to understand ourselves, our friends and family and our lovers. Based on the belief that as the sun, moon, stars and planets move through the sky, their changing patterns reflect changes in our lives. Observations of the celestial bodies can be made on any day and offer an insight into what may be likely to happen.

Tides and Seasons

The position of the planets and the stars has a huge effect; the Sun affects whether it is day or night, summer or winter. The Moon affects the tides of the seas, rivers and oceans. It is a popular belief that the Sun and Moon also have a more subtle effect on our lives. Astrology explores what these effects are such as enabling us to predict how we will believe in certain situations and what will happen to us in the future.

We know that when the Sun sets it will rise again, bringing its warmth and light with it. Astrologers believe that it is also possible to predict the effect it will have on our lives, health and happiness.

astrology centre of world daughter of storms

As far as astrology is concerned, you are the centre of the universe.

Zodiac Constellations

If we divided the sky into twelve equal segments and placed the Sun in the centre we could then look at the brightest constellation of stars in each section. This is referred to as the zodiac wheel. 

As the Earth orbits the Sun each year it passes through each constellation segment of the sky. As other planets orbit the Sun and the Moon orbits the Earth they also pass by the Zodiac constellations. Knowing which segment of the sky each planet is in on any given day is the key to understanding astrology. 

Looking up to the sky, the Sun, Moon, Planets and Zodiac constellations appear to be circling around you. The most important influence the Planets and stars have ever had on you was at the moment of your birth. Where they were in relation to one another at this moment affects your personality, your reactions and your desires for the rest of your life.

Fire Signs

Earth Signs

Air Signs

Water Signs

Astrology Posts

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