Manipura – Solar Chakra

The Solar chakra has many names as do all the chakras. Also known as the Solar plexus, Navel chakra, yellow chakra and Manipura which is it\’s Sanscript name meaning \”lustrous gem\”. The word Solar is given as the nerves are all connected and radiate out of us like the suns rays. The Solar chakra is linked to the element fire and to our willpower and energy. When the energy flow is balanced it gives you the glowing feeling, self-confidence and vitality. This area is also in charge of your gut instinct and is an instant feeling that we know without knowing how we know. It might feel like excitement, certainty or forward motion.






Related Organs

Three, the third chakra

Upper stomach




Upper digestive organs including the stomach, liver, diaphragm, adrenal glands and the immune system 

dividing line

Symbol \"\"

A ten petalled lotus; the triangle in the middle represents fire. 


I do, I act, I am powerful, I am energetic, I can

A healthy Solar chakra is linked to a healthy ego. When the energy flow is balanced you feel like you know what you want and have the self-confidence to accomplish it. Conversely, if you feel a deep dread in your solar chakra it can be a warning to change your direction immediately. This is an ancient survival mechanism rooted in your physical body, as mentioned above, our gut sense should not be ignored. 

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