Understanding the Five Paths of Yoga

Understand the Five Paths of Yoga

There are five main forms of Yoga, each having a slightly different emphasis on the mental, spiritual or physical aspects.

Hatha Yoga: Yoga of Vitality

Increasingly popular in the West, the emphasis of Hatha Yoga is on physical poses and breathing control.

Karma Yoga: Yoga of Selfless Action

Karma Yoga has a philosophical focus, teaching that to serve others without seeking reward purifies the mind and body.

Bhakti Yoga: Yoga of love

A devotional form of Yoga, Bhakti teaches that love and virtue purifies the mind and spirit – leading to unity with the divine. Prayer, chanting, worship and meditation are practised to turn negative feelings into positive devotion.

Jnana Yoga: Yoga of Knowledge

This is an intellectual approach to Yoga and involves the study of ancient scriptures to gain insight into the truth and lift the veils of illusion.

Raja Yoga: \”Royal\” or \”highest path\” of yoga

Through meditation, Raja Yoga releases our mental and psychic abilities and promotes lasting peace. Concentration, physical exercise and breathing control are all integral to this ancient form of yoga.

Om, the symbol pictured is a sacred Sanskrit syllable and is often chanted during Yogic meditation.

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