

Casting spells can conjure up images of dark, gothic rooms and cauldrons and for some, it well might but in fact, spells are rooted in familiar traditions and folklore that we often bring into our everyday lives. Spell casting is something we do at a very young age, by simply blowing out our birthday cake candles and making a wish! Daughter of Storms will help you to understand spell casting, magic ingredients, and how to write your own spell recipes.

A spell is a combination of words and objects used to focus magical energy and direct it to ensure the desired result, they can help you deal with areas of your life that cause problems and give you the confidence you need to overcome them. By working with words and objects that symbolise the goal you are seeking, you can direct and focus your natural energies.

spells and spell casting

Spells and Ethics

Spellcasting is usually associated with witches (or Wiccans, as they are often called). All true witches follow the ethic of ” An it harm none, do as ye will” – meaning you should cause no harm to anyone, including yourself. By using the power of your imagination, focused and heightened by concentration, willpower and belief, you can start to cast spells safely and positively. You can read more about the ethics of spellcasting here.

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