Crystal Healing – How does it work?

How do Crystals work

\"howThere are many complementary therapies such as homoeopathy and batch flower remedies that are believed to rebalance our \”energy fields\” on both a physical and emotional level. Similar exponents of crystal therapy believe that crystals have an \”energy\” which they store and discharge just like a battery. So it is believed that the energy of the crystal can be used to rebalance our own subtle energy system. The crystals work by harnessing their remarkable capacity to absorb, store and reflect light in the form of intelligent fields of stable energy. these energies unblock and increase the flow of our chakras, energy flow, chi, or aura (there are many names). Balancing the chakras is at the heart of modern crystal healing. You can discover more about your chakras here.

Crystals represent the lowest state of chaos and disorder possible yet they are the most organized and stable example of physical matter in the natural world.

Many early civilizations imbued crystals with magical and healing powers as well as physical adornments, items of protection and used in religious ceremonies, the Ancients coveted them as signs of wealth and power. There are references to crystals in sacred scriptures, cave paintings and early texts around the world. We have given a brief historical use of each crystal so that you can feel more of a connection with your own crystal. 

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