Chakras for Healing

Our bodies are composed of a network of Nadis that promote healing by directing energy to the Chakras and throughout our system


chakras for healing daughter of storms

The Chakras are connected throughout the body by energy channels called nadis or “flowing water”.

The Chakras are energy centres in your “subtle body”, that is the energy structures of the self that interact with and extend beyond the physical body. The word chakra is Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “disk”, referring to the idea that our Chakras each spin at a particular frequency.

There are many Chakras in the body, but the major ones are the seven Chakras that run from the base of the spine up to the top of the head. Each of the seven major Chakras affects different aspects of the physical body, such as the different hormonal glands, the senses and parts of the physical body such as skin and muscles. Connecting these chakras and running through the body are thousands of energy channels called Nadis, which translates as “flowing water”. These are similar to veins, except they govern the circulation of energy through your body.

For both exercise and alternative healing, knowledge of the Chakras is of great benefit. In Yoga, the Asanas, the breath control and mantras all stimulate the different Chakras and help keep them synchronised and in harmony. This is one of the main reasons for practising Yoga, though it’s not often given the attention that it rightly deserves. Healing with crystals, Reiki and other forms of alternative healing all work by focusing energy so as to balance areas of the subtle body, the seven chakras. Diet also affects the Chakras and is as important as an excess of certain food types of foods can throw the Chakras out of balance with each other.

One of the most popular ways of working with crystals is for healing.chakras for healing daughter of storms crystals This is because crystals work well with a wide range of frequencies and energies, and so specific crystals can be particularly beneficial to the different Chakras of the body. 

If your Chakras are working well, energy flows through the Nadis easily, but if you feel lethargic and down then your channels are becoming blocked and you need to use your crystals to restore balance. For example, you can harmonise the area surrounding your heart Chakra by using stones and crystals that are coloured green and pink or you can bring balance to your throat chakra by using blue stones. Holding appropriate crystals in your hand when you perform the healing can focus the energies you are rising like a lens and concentrate on the stone’s healing energies on the source of the problems.

Physical exercise isn’t just good for the physical body. chakra for healing daughter of storms exerciseExercise also helps to stimulate Chakras and maintain their harmony.

Activities such as Yoga, swimming and aerobics, tai chi and tantric sex are all good for balancing Chakras. As the subtle body affects the physical, so too does the physical affect the subtle body. If you are having health problems that you know are linked with a particular Chakra imbalance, you can do exercises which work on the associated parts of the body to help restore the balance as well as using the other methods described here.

Smell and fragrance have a very powerful effect on us. chakra scents daughter of stormsYour olfactory perceptions tend to affect your unconscious views of people and situations for good and bad, as well as causing long-forgotten memories to resurface. Perfume companies use Musk in many of their fragrances because it stimulates the Base Chakra and your sexual instincts.

Other scents are also linked with different Chakras: Juniper and Rosemary can stimulate your Brow Chakra while Sandalwood and Jasmin invigorate the Sacral Chakra. Try anointing your Chakras with oils, bathing in a perfumed bath and adding scents to a room with an oil burner when you wish to stimulate any of your seven Chakras.

As the Chakra are subtle energy centres, it’s not surprising that they should be affected by sound, especially music.

Each of the seven major Chakras responds to one of the notes of the music of the music scale. Hence listening to music that is keyed to one of the notes will help stimulate the associated Chakra.

music and chakra daughter of storms

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