
The Age of Cancer - 8000 - 6000 BC June 22nd - July 22nd

The Age of Cancer was the time when people began to build dwellings and emphasis on home and family life developed.

cancer daughter of storms

The age of Cancer saw the shift towards Moon worship as society became more domesticated.

It is speculated that the Age of Cancer coincided with the great floods described in the literature of nearly every major culture, including in the Bible. Many cultures at this time had religious practices that involved worship of the moon – the planet that rules over cancer. People began to observe the phases of the Moon and its effects on the tides. In China, the moon was linked to spiritual occurrences and was also used to measure time. it still plays a role in the Chinese calendar today, for example, the Chinese New Year occurs at the second new moon after the Winter Solstice. During this time, people formed more complex societies and became less nomadic. The Age of Cancer is associated with early matriarchal societies, as well as the star of agriculture when they cultivated crops and domesticated animals. During this time, people learned to spin, weave and make pottery. This first occurred in China, Egypt, India and Mesopotamia. People also recognised a growing need for protection against the elements, wild animals and human enemies. fertility cults and rites were rife, characterised by carvings of rotund women with large breasts. This showed a strong influence of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon and signifies fertility and the realm of the home. gradually, spiritual practices shifted from worship of the Sun and the Moon.

Key Traits of Cancer

Cancer is a water sign and therefore, primarily concerned with emotions and feelings. Cancerians can be very sentimental and have a strong nurturing bent. As they value security so highly they are generally good with money. Ruled by the Moon, Cancerians are devoted and romantic. They protect their loved ones with great tenacity and being maternal, like to create a comfortable home. They tend to wear their heart on their sleeves but like the crab that symbolises them, can be quick to retreat into their shells. Cancerians are often overly sensitive and moody. They like to get their own way which can lead them to be manipulative. Even so, they are also compassionate and quick to show their affection. They are intuitive, which is helpful in times of stress.

cancer is ruled by the Monn, which rules instinct and emotion. Having no light of its own to shine, the Moon reflects that of the sun and so is associated with silver, a good reflector of light. Thanks to the moon, the associations with cancer are based on the colour white. This is reflected by the main stones associated with cancer – glistening Pearls and luminescent moonstones. The Moon gives cancer an association with water, for example, in the form of aquatic animals, such as shellfish and ducks. It is also associated with the night, for example with nocturnal animals, such as the owl.


cancer-associated animals such as crabs, eels, frogs, shellfish and water-dwelling birds all reflect the signs of watery nature, especially the crab as it is the image used to represent the sign. Nocturnal animals, such as the owl reflect Cancer’s association with the moon which is its primary ruler. Cancer is associated with the home and nurturing, therefore, domestic animals that are reared for meat as well as animals that are kept as pets are associated with Cancer.

Age of cancer daughter of storms


Pearls are the main stones associated with cancer as they resonate with their white colour. They are also produced by oysters on the bottom of the seabed, a Cancerian-associated location. moonstones, also white in colour, are another stone associated with the moon.


Cancerian plants have thick, juicy leaves and a watery or sweet taste. Like water Lilies and other plants that grow in a watery place often have round, shady leaves as well as those that bear fruit. Convolvulus, Honeysuckle, Lilys and white roses or poppies resemble the moon in colour and carry a sweet scent.


Associated with the Moon, silver is used in photography and requires darkness for its reflections, it also reflects the good memory of a typical Cancerian. Mirrors are also made from silver-coated glass and represent the fantasy associated with the Moon. Silver is the best conductor of heat and the best-known reflector of visible light.

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