
The Age of Gemini - 6000 - 4000 BC May 21st - June 21st

The Age of Gemini is described by astrologers as a golden period of intellectualism and progress.

age of gemini daughter of storms

Geminis enjoy variety and intellectual stimulation, they tend not to take life too seriously.

The Age of Gemini, 6000 BC to 4000 BC, was marked mainly by the development of writing, as humanity began to record information for prosperity. Writing began with rough symbols carved in stones and by the end of this period, there is evidence of Chinese and Egyptian cuneiform writing. The “Golden Age of Wisdom” at times described in the Egypt, Babylon and Sumer, fell during the age of Gemini. Astrological information was recorded by the people of the Euphrates and Tigris valleys, and many twins – the symbol of Gemini were worshipped as Gods.

The invention of the wheel made rudimentary commerce possible, and transportation was vastly improved. This was a great seafaring age, and the increased as new routes were opened. The emphasis on communication, travel and writing meant that large territories could be run effectively and profitably. It was also the beginning of urbanisation. Great civilisations flourished in Egypt. Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. The concept of librarians began to take hold, while the first evidence of organised religion also dates from this period. 

Key Traits of Gemini

German is the versatile sign of the Zodiac. Clear thinking and analytical, Gemini is interested in everything and is always seeking variety. Gemini I an intellectual air sign and lives in the mind. Geminis are so interested in everything around them that they find it hard to settle upon a direction to take. they love variety and a chance to match their wits against others. they are also elusive and charming and can sell anything to anyone. They have a positive and versatile approach to life. Life is a game to a Gemini. They have a light and flirtatious approach to affairs of the heart but need plenty of stimulation in their relationships. They can sometimes find it hard to express their emotions. Financial concerns are not a priority and “retail therapy” leads many Geminis into trouble.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods. The versatile and quick-witted planet rules the affairs of communication, commerce, wit and learning. As a link between this world and the next, Mercury is also regarded as the protector of travellers and the bringer of good luck. Easily influenced, Gemini is a double sign due to the influence of the adaptable Mercury, which itself is highly influenced by other planets. In fact, the innermost planet is the only one that is considered neither masculine nor feminine. Thanks to Mercury, the Zodiac associations of Gemini are based around mixed colours, as seen in flowers and gemstones associated with the sign. Gemini animals also reflect the personality of the sign’s ruler in their speed and cunning such as birds and foxes.


Geminis are associated with quick-witted animals, this is a reflection of the sign’s association with the planet Mercury. These animals include apes, bees, beetles, birds, butterflies, foxes, greyhounds, hyenas, monkeys, parrots, spiders, squirrels and weasels.

Gemini animals often eat seeds or nuts. Their speed, cunning and guile, teamed with the tendency to steal, mirrors the Geminian association with thieves.

age of gemini daughter of storms


Stones that can come in diverse or mixed colours are associated with Gemini as are those found in varied forms such as Celestile and clear quartz. This further reflects the changeable and somewhat transient nature in Gemini.


Mixed colours, subtle or no scent and those that bear delicate leaves or flowers like Azalea and Lily of the Valley. Herbs, Cannabis, Coca Vervain are some plants that can have a hallucinogenic effect and can be used to hone the senses.


The metal mercury, associated with its namesake planet, is also known as “quicksilver” as it makes alloys with most other metals. The way mercury divides and merges into smaller and larger drops represents the ever-changing nature of the Gemini. Its metal-liquid nature reflects the duality of the ruler of twins.

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