
The Age of Aquarius 20,000 - 4000 AD January 20th - February 18th

The Age of Aquarius heralds a gentler, rational and more peaceful time for the human race.

age of Aquarius daughter of storms

Aquarians want to pour forth their ideas on improving the world according to their principles.

Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, we have been on the cusp of two astrological eras: the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This change can be seen clearly in the way that history and society are coming under the influence of the intellectual, outward-looking Aquarius. Psychology, science and rationalism have largely replaced religion as our ways of explaining the world. Religious powers have lost ground to secular government. Mass production, the global use of electricity, cars, telephones, television and the internet have all changed our world. This revolution can be directly attributed to Aquarius, the Zodiac sign that regulates the flow of electricity, technology and innovation. The egalitarian quality of Aquarius is also reflected in the changing social climate. Women and racial minorities have gained much strength and power in recent years. Democracy is spreading further and further around the world. Aquarius is the sign of foresight, illustrated by the rise of the ecology movement. People now consider the long-term effects of humanity’s actions. We seek to make changes that will enable our planet to survive and help us to maintain our quality of life. Aquarius is taking us forward into an age of seeing further, listening harder and talking more clearly.

Key Traits of Aquarius

Aquarius is an air sign and is therefore primarily concerned with communication – particularly the spread of ideas. Aquarians are alert and perceptive and look for long-term results rather than immediate ones. The rationality of the air ensures Aquarius is both inventive and original. Aquarians are cool and collected, but, like all air signs, if their equilibrium is upset they can become cold and detached. on the other hand, being able to take detached views ensures that they remain objective and unprejudiced. They genuinely want to make the world a better place. As a fixed sign ruled by Saturn, Aquarians tend to play by the rules, although thanks to the dual influence of Uranus, these rules will often be their own making. The combination of fluidity and fixity means that Aquarians have big ideas and will hold on tightly to them come what may.

When ancient astrologers deemed Saturn to be Aquarius’s ruling planet it was at a time, the furthest known planet from the Sun. Thus Aquarius became associated with the idea of straining against boundaries. When Uranus was discovered in 1781, it was also granted rulership over Aquarius. Outside Saturn’s orbit, it represents the ability of Aquarius to fly higher and further. Uranus is associated with electricity, progress and technology as well as anything radical. This is evident in Aquarian’s progressive ideas and interest in anything different. Aquarians are inventors, unpredictable and unconventional. They may also be inconsistent and erratic. Aqurians are tolerant and broad-minded, but they also tend to stick to their beliefs come what may. Their Saturnine perseverance allows Aquarians to work hard to bring their ideas to fruition. 

Birthstones and Metals

Amethyst and other purplish-blue crystals are healing gemstones, which are used to restore equilibrium. Amethyst especially is associated with concentration and therefore, Saturn is one of Aquarian’s ruling planets. The moonstone is a gem of friendship and a quality ruled by Aquarians. Lead, associated with Saturn, is a very heavy metal and an apt association for often weighty issues with which Aquarians will concern themselves. Aluminium is a light, versatile and modern metal that perfectly reflects Aquarian traits. 

age of Aquarius daughter of storms


Aquarian plants grow in hot and moist soil so plants that love heat and humidity are associated with Aquarians. Their flowers often have unusual blooms and scents such as the Foxglove and Daffodil. Aquarian herbs are equally as exotic and piquant such as Sorrel, Olive, Ginger, Mint and Garlic. 


Extremely fast-moving animals are associated with Aquarius and in particular large birds such as the Eagle, that can sustain their flight over long distances. Other birds include the Owl and Crow. Aquarian animals have good endurance, reflected by the sign’s association with the planet Saturn. Aquarian animals can smell, hear and see well. This comprehensive use of all the senses represents the Aquarian ability to act with foresight and disseminate ideas. 


State-of-the-art electronic gizmos or gimmicks, especially those designed to save time will appeal to Aquarians. Games such as Mah Jongg or the latest version of Trivial Pursuit will offer Aquarians just the kind of mental challenge they enjoy. Puzzles and videos are also popular. Light fragrances or mildly scented candles go down well with the Aquarians’ gentle nature. 

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