
The Age of Sagittarius 18,00 - 16,000 BC November 22nd - December 21st

The Age of Sagittarius saw the enlightenment and expansion of human cultures across the world.

age of Sagittarius daughter of storms

Jupiter lends Sagittarius the associations of royalty, dry climates and domesticity.

The Age of Sagittarius, about 18,000 to 16,000 BC, lies deep in the human prehistory and we know little about the activities of the people during that period. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, with changeable rather than destructive properties. Human cultures had been using fire for some time, but it was during the Age of Sagittarius that fire was really put to domestic use. Burning animal fat as fuel for lamps began the widespread use of artificial light in homes. Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, is associated with enlightenment and in this age, light was literally shed by human will. Images of horses, a Sagittarian animal, survive in cave paintings from this period. The sign itself is represented in the Zodiac by Centaur. There were also many large animals at this time, which would eventually evolve into much smaller variants of their species, such as the mighty mammoth, the cold-climate relative to the elephant. The transformation of these beasts during this age reflects the mutable nature of Sagittarius. Many parts of the world, in particular eastern Asia, had a massive expansion in population. Through Jupiter, Sagittarius represents expansion of all types. It was also an age of travel – a Sagittarius trait, as people began to move and settle in warmer climes. 

Key Traits of Sagittarius

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life and are full of energy, and an eagerness to extend their experience. They enjoy travelling and exploration, as their minds are constantly open to receiving new ideas. They are honourable, honest, trustworthy and generous, with a passion for justice. Sagittarians are also capable of wide-ranging and profound thought. They are equipped with foresight and good judgment and love to initiate new projects. They are better at adapting than inventing. Sagittarians are prone to flare up over trifles and they can be impatient – wanting to rush everything. They are impulsive and often tactless, saying just what they think. Sagittarians can be relied upon to keep a secret, as they seldom betray any trust. 

Sagittarius is a fiery, hot and dry sign, ruled by the yellow-coloured planet Jupiter. In Roman Mythology, Jupiter, or Jove, was the king of the gods, associated with wisdom and all jovial things. The traits of this ruler – always making things bigger and seeking to move further ahead – are reflected in Sagittarius’ urge to travel and explore new concepts. Sagittarians always think big and are optimistic. Through the mythology of Jupiter and the perceived nature of the planet in astrology, Sagittarius is associated with royalty and with dry, barren climates. 

Crystals and Metals

Tin has long been used for preserving food and Jupiter was also traditionally thought of as a preserver. Jupiter was originally a sky and weather god, who could throw bolts of lightning. the Native American Navajo tribes threw turquoise stones into a river in order to placate the weather god and bring rain. Topaz is also associated with Sagittarius because its yellow colour reflects the hues of the planet Jupiter. 

age of Sagittarius daughter of storms


The colours associated with Sagittarius are those that are closely connected with its kingly ruler. Jupiter rules all matters pertaining to royalty, and therefore the colours of this sign are dark blue and purple. Yellow is also linked to the sign through Jupiter. 


Sagittarius is a dry and barren sign and the plants ruled by it are those that can grow in these conditions – Ash, Birch, Chestnut, Hazel, Holly and Oak. Sagittarius is associated with things that are large, because of its ruling planet. Therefore, flowers for this sign include large, bright blooms such as Anemones and carnations. The small Dandelion is also connected to this sign through folklore. Jupiter grants wishes and it is said that the seeds of Dandelions are actually wish fairies. Other flowers include Azalea, Borage, Crocus, Hyacinth and Hyssop. Basil is a member of the Mint family and was known as the herb of kings in ancient times. Therefore, this herb is affiliated with Sagittarius through Jupiter. Sage is thought to bring wisdom, another attribute of the sign’s ruler, and Jupiter is also connected with strong-tasting, savoury and spicy foods, such as the herbs Mace and Clove. 


Large beasts that are mild and can be domesticated like elephants and horses are associated with Sagittarius. Deers, dolphins, Peacocks and Swans are also Sagittarian by nature.

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