
The Age of Capricorn 20,00 - 18,000 BC December 21st - January 19th

The Age of Capricorn governed an age of sophisticated development in tools and artistry.

age of Capricorn daughter of storms

Those who fall under the auspices of Capricorn are serious, stable people unafraid of a bit of hard work.

The Age of Capricorn lasted from around 20,000 to 18,000 BC, at the height of the Ice Age in Europe. The harsh environment placed many limitations on people, reflected in the rulership of Capricorn by Saturn, the planet of limitation. The Age of Capricorn was when tools began to become much more sophisticated, reflecting the pragmatic and hard-working nature of that sign. Animal skins were joined together to make clothing; felt was made from compressing wool, and the first bone needles with eyes date from this period. Advances in tools and technology took place on all fronts. Cooking is essential to make many foods palatable and the oldest known, primitive but identifiable, ovens were found in the Ukraine and date from 20,000 BC. The oldest jewellery items known to date from this time – three fish vertebrae necklaces found in Monaco. Harpoons and spears were developed for hunters and in Northern China microblade technology also emerged. With the new tools, it was possible to make intricate carvings and such works of art survive today.

Key Traits of Capricorn

Capricorns are strong-willed and calm. They are hard-working, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering and cautious to the extreme. They are capable of persisting for as long as is necessary to accomplish a goal. Reliable workers, Capricornians are the ones who finish projects started by the more pioneering signs. Capricornians set high standards for themselves and others. They respect discipline from above and demand it from those beneath them. They plan carefully to fulfil their ambitions and are great organisers at home and work. Capricornians value tradition more than innovation, and they think profoundly and deeply about things. They thoroughly explore all possibilities before deciding on a safe alternative. Clear-headed and rational, they have good concentration. They enjoy debates in which they can show off their cleverness by luring their adversaries into traps and confounding them with logic.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and as such, is a cold and dry earth sign. Saturn is the planet of restriction and structure, and Capricorns are able to organise their life and achieve many of their ambitions by persistently working hard towards their goals. Capricorn is reserved and pragmatic, as its cold nature would suggest. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is highly sensible and practical. Extremely well organised, it isn’t easily deflected and does whatever needs to be done, never shirking responsibilities. Capricornians have a strong sense of loyalty and be relied upon in any situation. Through their earthy nature and associations with its dark ruler, Capricorns are linked to shadowy shades of colour and to evergreen plants that preserve to survive winter. Capricornian creatures are often those that are cloven-hoofed or linked to Saturn.


Amaranthus means “everlasting imaginary flowers reputed never fade”. The links of Capricorn with long-lasting plants such as evergreen is due to its persistent nature. Aspen, Amaranthus, Elm, pine, Poplar and Yew are all examples. Ivy is a symbol of fidelity and the camellia of steadfastness, reflecting the loyal Capricorn. Comfrey, Hemlock, Henbane and Belladonna are some of the herbs associated with Capricorn and are toxic, reflecting their association with Saturn and death. 

Capricorn daughter of storms


Colours associated with Capricorn are those ruled by Saturn: black, grey, dark brown (sombre colours linked to death) and dark green. The dark greens are also found in evergreens associated with the resilient nature of Capricorn.

Stones and Metals

Garnet contains a high level of calcium and Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, is also associated with bones. Garnet is one of the few stones to be used to make bullets, another deadly link with Saturn. This planet’s colour is black. so black stones such as Hematite also fall under Capricorn’s auspices. Lead is the metal associated with Capricorn, also through its link with Saturn and death. Lead is also used to make bullets and tombs and has had a long tradition of poisoning. Lead is stored in bone tissue and Saturn also rules the skeleton.


Animals that creep along the ground or also live in ruins or putrid surroundings such as goats and other cloven-hoofed animals, Serpents, Crocodiles, Toads and Moles are associated with Capricorn and its ruling planet Saturn’s association with the end of things.

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