
The Age of Virgo 12,00 - 10,000 BC August 23rd - September 22nd

The Age of Virgo is associated with the worship of the Great Mother Goddess as well as healing practices.

age of virgo daughter of storms

Virgos are fiercely loyal and very sensitive to the needs of others but tend to be perfectionists.

The Age of Virgo spawned from 12,000 to 10,000 BC. During this period, mankind survived primarily by gathering food and starting to make primitive weapons and tools from stone. As the Ice Age began to end, people were travelling to all corners of the Earth. This was probably a matriarchal era; numerous figurines have been found dating from this time that indicate worship of the Great Mother Goddess. It is a trait of Virgo to create a safe environment having lived in a cave dwelling for several generations, people of this era began to build shelters. Tents made from animal hide would be suspended over a wooden framework and held down by stones. Virgo is the sign of service and it was during the age of Virgo that dogs were domesticated, they shared a hearth with people and accompanied them on their travels. The hunter-gatherer diet was also being supplemented with plants cultivated in gardens. During the Age of Virgo, people used herbs for educational use. A primitive form of surgery, trepanning or boring holes into the skull, was also practised. 

Key Traits of Virgo

Virgo is an Earth sign and Virgos are industrious and adaptable, with an eye for detail. Virgos seek to improve the environment and can be highly critical of themselves, as well as their circumstances. Virgos have an irresistible urge to improve everything and everyone, whether they need it or not! Virgo’s helping is generally altruistic in nature, but they tend to act the martyrs when their offerings are ignored and will use guilt as a weapon. Virgos find it easy to adapt to change and are instinctively responsive to the needs of others. Virgos search for ways to make themselves useful and are highly idealistic. Virgos reject imperfection; they can be very humble and don’t really require recognition for being helpful but do value acclaim for their efficiency. Virgos need to be needed; in relationships they are kind, but they do have a tendency to manipulate others.

Mercury’s astrological significance places it as the planet of the mind and communication. These attributes, combined with the Earth signs’s practical nature make Virgos more likely to focus their mental energies on writing and accumulating information. Mercury is thought to be harsh and barren, lending Virgo associations with hardy planets that can survive severe conditions. In myth, the Roman god Mercury (for the Greek Hermes) links Virgo to swift and cunning creatures. He also connects the sign to stones of a variety of colours and ones that can aid the mind in crystal healing. Another ruler of Virgo is Vulcan, the Roman god of the forge. Vulcan was known for his intellect and creativity; he would design brilliant inventions, tools and weapons for the other gods.


Foxes and Greyhounds are associated with Virgo because they are swift-moving and known for their cunning nature that they put to practical use, for example, a spider spinning a web. Apes, Bees, Monkeys and Weasels are all intelligent creatures, a reflection of the sign’s association with the Roman God Mercury. Another category of Virgo animals are often seed or nut eaters like small birds, parrots and squirrels. These animals consume the fruits of the plants governed by Mercury.

god mercury daughter of storms


The cunning, trickster god, Hermes, is associated with the Citrine stone, also known as the thief’s stone. Carnelian promotes clear thinking while the clear Quartz is an amplifier of energy in crystal healing. Like Virgo, Peridot is thought to promote growth and change. The earthy colours of the Sardonyx stone are associated with Virgo. 


Virgo plants grow in sandy, barren places and bear seeds in husks. They often bear delicate leaves and flowers. As the sign of the harvest, Virgo is associated with grains, but also with nut-bearing trees and root vegetables. Herbs that aid digestion or relieve internal discomforts, such as Dill seeds and Blackberry leaves, are Virgo herbs.


Associated with the planet Mercury and also known as quicksilver, this metal reacts with any outside influence and makes alloys with most other metals. The way it divides and comes together again reflects the mutable and changing nature of Virgo. The malleable qualities of Nickel are also associated with Virgo.

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