The Age of Libra 14,00 - 12,000 BC September 23rd - October 22nd
The Age of Libra brought a sense of balance and harmony to the world.
Very little is known about the Age of Libra which lies deep in prehistory around 14,000 to 12,000 BC. This was the time of the end of the last major ice age, when the climate of the Earth was beginning to become more moderate and less extreme – a reflection on the Libran trait of moderation and balance in all things. Libra symbolises equilibrium and harmony- qualities that were certainly needed and welcomed during this period. Humanity had been facing extreme, harsh living conditions up until this point, but these aspects of the world were finally beginning to disappear. Humans were able to begin to establish more settled, well-ordered societies. evidence of this is that we know there were larger and more numerous settlements formed at this time than at any other previous age. Cave painting was at a peak in the Age of Libra and there was also a development of creating portable art, such as jewellery. Libra rules the arts and music, and this is seen in the decorative spears with carvings of game animals, and in the ancient musical instruments such as flutes, which have been discovered from this period.Â
Key Traits of Libra
Librans are elegant, Diplomatic and charming with impeccable taste. They are kind and gentle lovers of beauty and harmony, and the pleasures that these qualities bring. With their good critical faculty Librans have an idealistic and peace-loving nature. They are easygoing and sociable. Sensitive to the needs of others. Libra has the gift of understanding the emotional needs of their friends. Librans are very social human beings and they loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity, as well as detecting any form of conflict. They do their best to cooperate and compromise in situations. The Libran love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance, and they can tend to be terrible gossip. Libra is also a sign of partnership, as Librans loves company. They always know the right thing to say. Librans are objective and just, and want to do what’s best for everyone.
Libra is ruled by Venus and like the perceived nature of the planet in ancient astrology, is considered to be an airy, hot and moist sign. Venus is the planet of relating and, therefore, Libra’s primary aim is to form connections between people. Venus is also associated with peace and harmony, which makes Libra the sign of the peacekeeper and diplomat, able to intervene between people in difficult situations and smoothing things over where needed. Libra is a cardinal air sign and like all cardinal air signs likes to be the one to initiate the action. As an air sign, the element linked to the intellect, Libra also takes a rational approach to life. It is this very rationality that makes Libra so indecisive, however, Librans are so determined to be fair to all people that they will consider every point of view before making a decision.
Flowers in general are associated with Libra, especially the Rose, which has become a symbol of love as this sign is ruled by the planet of love, Venus. Lilies are a symbol of purity and reflect the pure femininity of this sign. Romance and flowers are strongly associated by Librans and recognised in stories such as the one of the groom who died in Danube and called out “forget me not” to his beloved as he drowned. Libra is associated with plants that smell sweet and have smooth leaves. Quick-spreading plants such as Ivy are also associated with Libra. Libran herbs have beautiful flowers, a pleasant scent and smooth foliage reflecting the sign’s Venusian rulership. Aromatic herbs used for flavouring, such as vanilla are Libran. Because of Venus, apple trees are also associated with Libras.
Libra’s main crystal is the Opal, this unique gem consists mostly of sand and water. It is the hidden water in Opal that causes the fiery effect when the light catches the gem. This reflects the emotional content that is often hidden behind the brilliant flashes of the Libran intellect. In crystal therapy, Opal is used to attain higher levels of understanding and to bring peace. The sapphire is one of several other birthstones to fall under the astral provenance of Sagittarius.Â
Venomous snakes are immune to their own poison so even the most evil-looking creatures contain some positive qualities. Lizards, snakes and other small reptiles are also associated with Libra. To the Aztecs, libra’s ruling planet. Venus was one of the symbols of the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. In Welsh myth, the owl is made from flowers, and doves and songbirds are associated with love.
Anything beautiful and classy makes the perfect gift for a Libra. Good quality accessories or a unique piece of jewellery will make them happy, as long as you are aware of their tastes. Librans are highly sociable and tickets for an event such as a play with a meal afterwards, or even an art exhibition where you can have a glass of wine or two and a chat afterwards is guaranteed to be a success. Librans want to be a success. Librans want to beautify everything they touch so elegant items for the home will be appreciated.