
The Age of Taurus 4000 - 2000 BC April 20th - May 20th

The Age of Taurus witnessed a growth in art and the emergence of the first population centres. 

age of taurus daughter of storms

Those bearing the sign of Taurus are steadfast and reliable but find it hard to adjust to changes.

The Age of Taurus, 4000 to 2000 BC, was at the end of the Stone Age and it was during this time that the Egyptians began to smelt copper, the metal associated with Venus, Taurus’s ruling planet. By this time many countries were enjoying the benefits of agriculture which led to a widespread growth in population centres as people abandoned their hunter and gatherer lifestyles. 

Taurus is a fixed earth sign and this is shown by the people of the age who settled (fixed) and cultivated the land (Earth). Once freed from the demands of survival, the people were able to develop other talents such as art and architecture. during this period there was a proliferation of artistic works including the building of many walled cities in Babylon, something perhaps attributed to the influence of the planet Venus.

Many cultures began to worship bulls during the age of Taurus. Among them were the Bull of Minos and the Minotaur of the Cretan Labyrinth. It is also the time that the holiness of cows, and of course bulls, in the Hindu faith was born. 

Key Traits of Taurus
Taurus is an Earth sign and therefore is grounded and permanently concerned with the practical side of life. Taureens are solid and very determined with a great strength of will. They are stable, balanced, law-abiding and lovers of peace. With their sense of material values and respect for other people’s property coupled with the horror of falling into debt, they do everything in their power to maintain the status quo and are hostile to change.  Dependable and steadfast, Taurus is firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. They are faithful and generous friends, happy to show their affection. Usually good-tempered and slow to anger, they can explode, if provoked, into violent outbursts of ferocious anger.

Taurus loves the good things in life, especially when food and entertainment are concerned, and can be quite self-indulgent. Reliable, practical, methodical and ambitious, Taurus works hard to maintain life’s harmony. 

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and is considered to be a melancholy sign. Venus is the planet of pleasure, relationships and sensuality, and epitomises feminine nature. The influence of this ruling planet means that tureens are highly sensual people with a great love of luxury and anything that brings comfort and relaxation. They are highly affectionate people who have the ability to make you feel comfortable. They are usually engaging conversationalists with the ability to show interest in other people’s ideas. Sensual Venus rules this fixed earth sign and tureens are stable and solid as their fixity would suggest. Earth signs are very pragmatic and Tureens are no exception. They are skilled at handling money and value security very highly, never rushing into anything without deliberating it first. 


The emerald is the main stone associated with Taurus. Its rich green colour fits well with Taris as the colour of money and serenity. The emerald is linked with harmony that Taurus really enjoys and sometimes has a six-sided form and six is the number assigned to Venus, the planetary ruler of Taurus. The rulership of Venus means that green, white and pale coloured stones are associated most strongly with Taurus.

age of taurus daughter of storms


Taurean plants and flowers have a sweet, pleasant smell and smooth leaves such as the Sycomore, Ash, Apple, Fig and Olive trees as well as Wheat. 

White and pale-coloured flowers and those that smell sweetly like Lilies, Daffodils, and Roses are all associated with Taurus. Because of the influence of Venus any plant that looks beautiful and has a stimulating fragrance will appeal.


The sensual nature of Taurus means that the animals associated with this sign are those that can be petted and stroked and can return the affection to their owners. With Venus as its ruler Taurus prefers animals that have an aesthetic appeal. Birds that can sing sweetly or have beautiful plumage are particularly significant for Taurus. They often like to keep domestic pets such as cats and dogs for the comfort and pleasure they can offer.

Colours & Metals

Lucky colours for Taurus are closely connected to the sign’s planetary ruler. Pastel colours, particularly pink and blue are Venusian colours with the strongest link to green. 

The main metal associated with Taureans is copper, which, like Taurus is governed by Venus. The high resonance of copper makes it suitable for use in stringed musical instruments such as violins, and guitars like the double bass. Traditionally astrology associates the arts of music with Venus, the ruler of Taurus.

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