Chi Energy – Understanding Flow

Chi energy is the life force presence throughout the world. Feng Shui is the art of arranging your surroundings to optimise the flow of this energy in your life.

The aim and real essence of Feng Shui are to harness the good Chi energy and yo deflect away any negative energies. From the Feng Shui perspective, the front door of your home – and what lies either side of it – is vital for bringing in good Chi and deflecting away any negative Chi.

Harnessing energy in your home

Begin by looking outside the front of your property and notice the \”path\” that the Chi will move along from the road to your front door. To allow the chi energy to travel unhindered along this path, keep the route uncluttered and try to decorate with plants or hanging baskets to uplift and enhance the Chi as it is directed towards your front door.

To aid the journey of Chi energy across the threshold onto your home, ensure the doorway or corridor outside your flat is left clean and tidy. Bring lighting, uplifting imagery and fresh flowers all greet the Chi in a positive fashion.

chi energy front door

Wind Chimes hung by a door slow the passage of Chi through your home. We stock a range of wood chimes at the Daughter of Storms shop here.

How to prevent the loss of Chi

Chi energy tends to imitate the nature of both wind and water. It will always follow a natural route that offered the least resistance. Like water, it can also stagnate when there is no room for it to flow or circulate. 

Retaining Chi

It\’s vital that you not only invite positive Chi into your home but also encourage it to stay. 

Having the back door opposite the front door of some property is a common problem in many homes. Chi, like wind, can enter through the front door and rush out of the back door. One simple solution is to have a wind chime on the inside of your back door – either from the ceiling or door frame. This is an excellent way to retain good Chi as the wind chime acts as a windbreak, slowing down the flow of Chi energy and preventing all of its energy from escaping out of the door.

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