Cleansing Crystals

Cleansing crystals clear any negative energy the crystal may have accumulated and re-energise the stone, so it will continue to work at its best

Cleaning crystals is traditionally done before they are used for the first time and at regular intervals thereafter. Although one of the simplest ways to cleanse a crystal is with water. All crystals absorb and emit vibrations, they can pick up negative energy as easily as positive, and transmit it outwards. This is why they need to be cleansed of all negativity. Cleansing also re-energises the stone so it can continue to work its best. 

cleansing crystals

Running Water

The easiest way to cleanse a crystal is under running water. If you happen to have a running waterfall nearby that would be perfect! Tap water can be used too but the more natural the water the better. As you hold the crystal under the water try to visualize the waters journey and the elements.


As sound is vibration, the pure sound of a singing bowl, bell, gong or tuning fork can be used when cleansing crystals. It is best that each crystal is cleansed with the vibration individually but cleaning can be done with a group of crystals.


As crystals are made in the earth, returning them to it has a cleansing and energising effect. If you think they will be safe you can bury them in the garden or some other piece of ground (remember to mark the spot) for 24-48 hours. You can bury them in a plant pot, however, be careful not to disrupt the plant\’s roots.

Salt Water

Another way of cleansing crystals is to submerge them in salt water for a few hours. You can use clean seawater if you live near the coats, but a bowl of spring water to which you have added sea salt will work just as well as the salt is the body of the earth and the water its spirit. Make sure the salt has dissolved completely before soaking your crystal and always use a bowl made of glass or ceramic as metal can have an adverse effect. Some people like to leave their crystal in saltwater overnight under the light of the moon. Some crystals are water-soluble or porous and shouldn\’t be left to soak in water. The most common examples of these are selenite, lapis lazuli, malachite and turquoise.

Crystal Clusters

If you have a large piece of amethyst you can use it to cleanse other crystals simply by placing them on top of the cluster and leaving them for 24 hours.

Sunlight or Monnlight

Most crystals can be cleansed and re-energised by leaving them in sunlight. However, not all crystal appreciate strong sunlight and some may fade quite dramatically – the crystals that shun the sun can be cleansed and energised by moonlight instead. The following crystals are better cleansed by moonlight: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, celestite, chalcedony, emerald, jade, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, rose and smokey quartz, sapphire, sugilite and turquoise.


Smudging is a traditional way of purifying crystals, rooms and other spaces. A small bundle of dried herbs is lit and the resulting smoke is wafted over the crystals. This method lets you purify a number of crystals all at the same time whilst also clearing and purifying the room too.


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