Crystals, Colour and Chakras

For every colour in the rainbow, there is a group of crystals and a corresponding chakra.


Colours influence every aspect of our lives, affecting our thoughts, bodies and emotions, we say we \”feel blue\” when we feel low or that we are \”as white as a sheet\” when something has scared us. We also dress in different coloured clothes according to our mood and situation. Playrooms are painted in bright colours to stimulate whereas public buildings are coloured different from our homes because it affects our mind. many natural therapies use colour based on the belief that each colour\’s frequency matches or \”improve\” the vibration of various organs, emotions, thoughts, objects or activities. Likewise, crystals have vibrations or different wavelengths. 

In the chakra system, different colours correspond with different aspects of the body. It is not just the mineral makeup that can help to heal our bodies but also through its colour. 

Apart from the chakra colours, it is also worth mentioning the colour gold as it is considered a colour of divine energy and unconditional love. Gold is thought to represent all energies, acting for the good of all. Gold is also associated with the perfect merging of body, mind and soul.

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