Svadhihsthana – Sacral Chakra

Like the Base chakra, the Sacral chakra is connected to your physical body but with the focus being shifted from survival to happiness. With our basic needs met we are free to search for and enjoy happiness, the sheer joy of being alive. Svadhishthana translated from Sanskript means \”sweetness\” and it is about pleasure and sensuous enjoyment. Being related to the pelvic area and the reproductive organs, the Sacral chakra is about intimacy with others and sensual pleasure. It can also mean \”one\’s own blood\”, which was viewed by the Egyptians as a circulatory movement throughout the body. The Sacral Chakra\’s element is water and so is connected to flow and movement, change and spontaneity. 






Related Organs

Two, the second chakra

Lower belly, lower back




Lower back, pelvic area, intestines, reproductive organs, bladder, kidbey

dividing line

Symbol \"\"

Six petalled lotus; the crescent represents the moon


I feel, I am joyful, I create, I move, I flow, I experience

The Sacral chakra is linked to creativity, having hobbies and projects that bring happiness is a great way of exploring this energy. A realisation that life flows in unexpected ways and this adds to the creativity and fun of life. Being more aware of your gut instinct is something we almost want to ignore but it is important to listen and understand the feelings are gut gives us as it projects both forwards and backwards.

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