Sage Oil

\"\"The aroma of sage oil invokes memories of comforting homemade food, but at the same time it heals your body and stimulates your mind. Sage is refreshing and cooling and has long been associated with wisdom and healing. There are several hundred varieties of sage cultivated around the world. Originating from Asia and the Mediterranean, its main use is as a culinary herb. The essential sage oil, distilled from the leaves, is potent and should be used sparingly and with caution.

Sage oil is an emotional stimulant and, in small doses, makes an effective antidepressant to strengthen and calm the nerves. It restores vitality after an emotional burnout and relieves nervous debility. It is a tonic to the digestive system, particularly the liver and the kidney. It relieves chronic or persistent respiratory infections and imitates oestrogen, which regulates a woman\’s periods. As a beauty oil, sage reduces sweat and fights dandruff.

With its remarkable virus-fighting and bacteria-destroying properties, sage oil is best used as an ingredient in blends for respiratory, menstrual and odour problems.
With its remarkable virus-fighting and bacteria-destroying properties, sage oil is best used as an ingredient in blends for respiratory, menstrual and odour problems.

Active ingredients of Sage Oil

Sage contains a number of healing ingredients:


Sage is rich in thujone, cineole and camphor. These compounds are analgesic and calming however, can be toxic. Avoid sage if you have epileptic fits or are pregnant.


Sage also contains carvacrol, which stimulates the immune and nervous system and has antiseptic properties. 


Spanish sage is believed to be safer than common sage. it lacks thujone, but still contains 29 per cent cineole and 32 per cent camphor, so caution is still necessary.

The Folklore of Sage

Sage\’s potent healing properties have made it a symbol of purity, healing and everlasting life throughout the world.

  • Sage is believed to heal grief and is planted on graves in remembrance of the deceased.
  • The health of a sage bush can reveal your economic future. If it flourishes, this signifies a thriving business, but if it withers a plummeting bank balance will follow.
  • In medieval times, \”sage the saviour\” was believed to be blessed by the Virgin Mary, who gave it magical healing properties.
  • The Ancient Egyptians and Greeks associated sage with immortality. The Ancient Cretons would only gather it before sunrise and, for the Romans, the sacred collection of sage involved barefoot gatherers who used silver scythes.
  • It is an old country custom for the bridal couple to plant sage in their garden. If it flourishes, this signifies the dominance of the wife in the marriage.

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